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MPs criticise Cameron over CHOGM visit

A cross party group over MPs are set to criticise British Prime Minister David Cameron's decision to attend the Commonwealth Heads Of Government meeting in Sri Lanka, later this year, reported the Telegraph.

The report is due to be published next week, with sources telling the Telegraph,

"There are some people on the committee who feel that it was regrettable that he decided to attend and want to express that. Others feel that as the Prime Minister of the UK it would not necessarily be helpful if he decided not go."

In 2012, the Foreign Affairs Committee had called on David Cameron to boycott CHOGM, but the report was rebuffed by the UK's Foreign Office. News of the upcoming report comes as another MP, Simon Danczuk, once again brought the issue of CHOGM up before the Prime Minister on Tuesday. Speaking on the case of murdered British national Khurum Sheikh, Danczuk said,

"Justice continues to be denied and the key suspect is a close ally of the Sri Lankan President... Is the Prime Minister comfortable meeting this president at the Commonwealth head so of Government next month and what will he say to him?”

The British Prime Minister replied,

“Thank you for the question. I think it is right that for the British Prime Minister to go to the Commonwealth conference because we are big believers in the Commonwealth and making that organisation work well and indeed work for us."

“But I think that it is right in going to the Commonwealth conference we should not hold back in being very clear about those aspects of the human rights record in Sri Lanka that we are not happy with."

“If he gives me the details of that case I will make sure that along with other cases and other arguments those points are properly made. Of course those are points that you can’t make if you don’t go.”

There has been increasing furore over Britain's decision to attend CHOGM in Sri Lanka, with pressure growing on the UK to boycott the summit.

See our earlier posts:

UK MPs call for CHOGM boycott amidst ongoing human rights abuses (14 September 2013)

British Parliament debates ‘Justice for Tamils’ (25 March 2013)

UK MP pledges to canvas Queen for CHOGM boycott (08 March 2013) 

British MPs call for CHOGM boycott at Parliament debate on Sri Lanka (09 Janary 2013)

Foreign Affairs Committee calls for CHOGM boycott from Britain (13 November 2012)

Conservative MP calls for UK boycott of a Sri Lankan Commonwealth summit (23 February 2012) 

UK Conservatives support accountability in Sri Lanka (04 October 2011)

British MPs turn up the heat on Sri Lanka (17 September 2011)

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