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MP withdrew from SL trip over rejection of UN probe

The Labour MP for Washington and Sunderland West, Sharon Hodgson, said she withdrew from a planned trip to Sri Lanka over the government’s refusal to cooperate with an international inquiry as mandated by the UNHRC last month.

The trip was called off after a senior Labour figure intervened, causing the two Labour MPs, Ms Hodgson and Stephen Hepburn to pull out and leaving the remaining MPs no choice but to cancel the trip, Channel 4 reported last week.

“I have a long-standing interest in seeking justice for those who have been the victim of war crimes and human rights abuses in Sri Lanka, and was a co-signatory to a letter in 2010 calling for an independent, international inquiry into them," Ms Hodgson said.

“I was, therefore, delighted when the UN resolved to do just that last month. However, when comments from the Sri Lankan Foreign Minister earlier this week were brought to my attention, indicating that the Government would refuse to co-operate with such an inquiry, I took advice from colleagues and decided to withdraw from the delegation.”

Last-minute cancellation of British MPs' trip to Sri Lanka amidst controversy (11 April 2014)

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