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Mothers of disappeared end symbolic hunger strike in Nallur

Photographs Uthayan

Mothers who had been protesting by Nallur temple, demanding that the Sri Lankan government returns their missing children to them, ended their symbolic three day hunger strike on Sunday, reports Uthayan.

Breaking their fast with fluids given to them by local priests, protesters pledged to continue demanding to have their loved ones returns to them.

TNA spokesperson, MP Suresh Premachandran supports protesters

Carrying photographs of their children and placards asking where they were, the mothers began protesting on Friday. See more here.

A similar symbolic hunger strike was held simultaneously by mothers and fathers in Kilinochchi. See more here.

Mothers launch hunger strike on March 6 outside Nallur temple.

Photograph @Uthayarasashali

The protest, which includes a symbolic hunger strike, is the latest in a series of protests across the North-East.

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