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Mother of 'Gopi' arrested by TID officers

The mother of a Tamil man, who Sri Lankan security forces have accused of attempting to reform the LTTE and firing at security and named as ‘Gopi’, has been arrested in Kilinochchi along with another Tamil woman by officers from Sri Lanka's Terrorism Investigation Division, report the Uthayan and Virakesari,

According to the Police Spokesperson, Ajith Rohana, Gopi's mother, Selvanayagam Rasamalar and the other woman whose identity remains unknown were taken to the headquarters of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Colombo for questioning.

Citing the allegations leveled against Gopi, Sri Lankan security forces have increased troops across the Kilinochchi district, carrying out mass interrogation of the Tamil youth and house to house search operations by heavily armed troops.

In a related incident four Tamil youths were detained by Sri Lankan security forces for allegedly trying to remove the police's 'Wanted' posters for Gopi, which had led to widespread fear amongst local residents.

The prominent disappearances campaigner, Balendran Jeyakumari and her 13 year old daughter Vipoosika were detained by security forces, who accused them of harbouring Gopi. Ms. Jeyakumari remains in custody at Boosa prison.

See related articles:

Activists detained by TID officers (17 Mar 2014)

Vanni fearful amid further arrests and intensified militarisation
(16 Mar 2014)

MoD orders 18 day detention, Jeyakumari makes statement to judge (16 Mar 2014) 

SL Army accuses Ananthy Sasitharan of making 'misleading' statements over Jeyakumari-Vipoosika arrest (15 Mar 2014)

SL Foreign Minister dismisses concern over detention of Tamil campaigner and daughter (14 Mar 2014) 

Heavy military presence in Vanni following detention of campaigner and daughter (14 Mar 2014)

Detained Tamil campaigner held under PTA act by TID (14 Mar 2014)

Tamils fearful after disappearances campaigner and daughter arrested by SL police (13 Mar 2014)

Tamil 'Disappearances' campaigner and 13y daughter held by Sri Lankan military (13 Mar 2014)

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