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Minister Jeevan Thondaman expresses concerns over resignation of judge

Jeevan Thondaman, General Secretary of the Ceylon Workers Congress and Minister of Water Supply and Estate Infrastructure in Sri Lanka, has voiced deep concern over the resignation of Judge T. Saravanarajah. In a tweet, Thondaman expressed his distress about the circumstances surrounding the judge's departure and called for a thorough inquiry into the matter.

"I am deeply troubled by the resignation of Judge T. Saravanaraja, who served with dedication and integrity. His departure, driven by threats and pressures after delivering the order on Kurunthoormalai, raises serious questions about the state of our justice system," Thondaman tweeted.

Saravanarajah's resignation, allegedly prompted by death threats and pressures following a verdict related to the Kurunthoormalai issue, has ignited concerns about the independence of the judiciary in Sri Lanka.

Thondaman emphasized the pivotal role judges play in upholding the rule of law and stated, "Any threats against them are an affront to justice and democracy. It is our collective responsibility to protect and support those who administer justice fearlessly."

He joined the chorus of voices calling for a comprehensive and impartial inquiry into the matter. Thondaman stressed the need to uncover the truth behind the allegations and ensure that justice prevails not only in the Kurunthoormalai case but also in safeguarding the overall independence of the judiciary.

"I will be raising this issue in Cabinet and engaging directly with the President and Minister of Justice to address these concerns promptly. Sri Lanka deserves a justice system that is free from undue influence and threats," the minister affirmed.

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