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Military land survey disrupted in North after locals protest

A land survey carried out by military personnel in the Vettrilaikeni Kattaikadu Mulli region and Vadamarachchi East was halted on Thursday morning, after locals protested against further land grabs.

The surveyors arrived in the morning together with a large number of police officers.

"More than 3 acres of land were going to be surveyed today in Vadamaratchi East, Vettrilaikenu]i Kattaikadu Mulli region for military use, without land owners knowing," Northern Provincial Council member P. Gajatheepan told Uthayan.

"Land owners and locals gathered at the location opposing this action and as a result the surveyors stopped and left," he added.

"Until now, it was routine practice that land owners were informed in advance if their lands were to be surveyed, but the Kattaikadu Mulli region lands were attempted to be surveyed without the owners being informed about it. We condemn this action severely. Obtaining public land for military use is not acceptable."

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