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Mahinda to visit India this month

As the controversy over the training of Sri Lankan security forces personnel in India rages on , it has been revealed that the Sri Lankan president and Commander-in-Chief of the Sri Lankan Army Mahinda Rajapakse is due to visit the country later this month.

Rajapakse will lay the foundation stone for the Sanchi University for Buddhist Studies in Madhya Pradesh on September 21 and take part in celebrations to mark the 2600th anniversary of the Buddha's enlightenment.

The university is jointly funded by the India, Sri Lanka, the government of Madhya Pradhesh and the Maha Bodhi society.

The president is also expected to visit New Delhi and meet with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, reported the PTI news agency.

Trichy protests causes cancellation of SL student event (31 Aug 2012)

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