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Maaveerar Naal observed across the UK

UK Tamils joined the Tamil nation in observing Maaveerar Naal - Great Heroes Day -  to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives in the Tamil struggle for liberation. 


Thousands of British Tamils gathered in London yesterday to pay tribute to fallen cadres. 

The event was also attended by Elliot Colburn, MP for Carshalton and Wallington who said:  "We come together today to remember those who are no longer with us and also remember how much work there is to do". He went on to speak of a campaign to launch sanctions on Sri Lankans accused of war crimes - "particularly Shavendra Silva".


Thousands of Tamils also came together in Oxford, to commemorate Maaveerar Naal. They were joined by Andrea Leadsom, MP for South Northamptonshire. 


In her speech, Leadsom noted that the resolution passed in March 2021 at the UN Human Rights Council highlighted the “deteriorating human rights situation in Sri Lanka.”


Hundreds of Tamil gathered in Glasgow to pay their respects to fallen cadres. 



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