Maaveerar Naal 2015

Eelam Tamils across the world mark today, November 27th, as Tamil National Remembrance Day in memory of all those who lost their lives in the struggle for freedom from oppression.

We remember.

Despite police threats of arrest and military intimidation Tamils across the North-East commemorated Maaveerar Naal.

Some held events in public whilst others held clandestine events in protest of the Sri Lankan government’s refusal to allow them to legally remember their war dead.

Memorial ceremonies took place across the North-East in homes, churches, universities, temples and at desecrated Liberation Tamil Tigers of Tamil (LTTE) cemetery sites.

Tamils across the world joined Tamils in the North-East in commemorating Maaveerar Naal in their respective countries of citizenship.

Remembrance Events

Students at Eastern Uni mark Maaveerar Naal (28 Nov 2015)
Maaveerar Naal marked in Jaffna University (27 Nov 2015)
  Trees planted in remembrance of Maaveerar Naal (27 Nov 2015)
  Maaveerar Naal commemorated in Jaffna (27 Nov 2015)
  Jaffna University students light commemorative flame for Maaveerar Naal (27 Nov 2015)
  Remembrance at PTK's destroyed LTTE cemetery (27 Nov 2015)
   Vavuniya commemorates Maaveerar Naal (27 Nov 2015)
   Maaveerar Naal commemorated in Mannar despite forced cancellation and threats of arrest (27 Nov 2015)
   Maaveerar Naal marked in secret at homes across the North-East (27 Nov 2015)
   Maaveerar Naal commemorated in Batticaloa (27 Nov 2015)
   Tamil youths in Maanippaay hold Maaveerar Naal event (27 Nov 2015)
   Kilinochchi Maaveerar Naal commemorations (27 Nov 2015)
  TNPF commemorates Maaveerar Naal (27 Nov 2015)
   TNA marks Maaveerar Naal in Jaffna (27 Nov 2015)
Flame lit on Mullaitivu beach for Maaveerar Naal (27 Nov 2015)
Tamils in Denmark mark Maaveerar Naal (28 Nov 2015)
  Thousands of British Tamils commemorate Maaveerar Naal in London (27 Nov 2015)
French Tamils mark Maaveerar Naal (27 Nov 2015)
   Tamils in Qatar commemorate Maaveerar Naal (27 Nov 2015)
US Tamils mark Maaveerar Naal (28 Nov 2015)

Preparations for events in all major diaspora centres were in full swing over recent days, where Tamils in the North-East clandestinely prepared for today with small-scale commemorations, despite the Sri Lanka's police warning of legal action against anyone remembering the dead of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

Several posters appeared in the University of Jaffna on Wednesday, despite an increased military presence. Students also held a blood donation drive, in memory of the dead combatants.

In the diaspora, several events have already been held by students in Canada and the UK.

Last week the Tamil National Alliance called on Sri Lanka to allow Tamils to commemorate their war dead freely, labelling the destruction of LTTE cemeteries as the “most uncivil act.”

The 27th of November marks the date when the first LTTE fighter, Lt Shankar, died of injuries sustained in combat, in 1982.  Over 30,000 Tamils are estimated to have died for the Tamil liberation movement since.

Traditionally Tamils gathered at LTTE cemeteries and memorials on November 27, lighting candles and laying the Tamil Eelam national flower, the gloriosa lily. However all cemeteries and memorials were razed to the ground by the Sri Lankan state after the end of the armed conflict.

While tens of thousands of Tamils in the diaspora continue to gather at large venues to commemorate their dead, people on the island are warned and threatened against holding anything resembling a memorial event, forcing people to light candles in secret in the confines of their homes.

Previously security forces had even banned temples and churches from ringing their bells on the day. However every year since the end of the armed conflict, more and more Tamils have held underground events.

Jaffna Uni marks November remembrance with blood drive (25 November 2015)

Tamil students commemorate Maaveerar Naal in London (24 November 2015)

Maaveerar Naal posters appear in Vavuniya (20 Nov 2015)

Posters commemorating Maaveerar Naal appear in Jaffna University (13 Nov 2015)

Northern Province begins marking 'meaningful' month of remembrance (01 Nov 2015)

Maaveerar Naal commemorated worldwide (28 Nov 2014)

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