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LTTE rump strikes again with 'cyber terrorism'

The Sri Lankan government has accused the Tamil diaspora - whom it refers to as the 'LTTE rump' - of "cyber terrorism" by hacking into websites of the ministry of media and information.

The Minister of Media, Charitha Herath, told the state's own radio station:

“We see this as an act of cyber terrorism.”

"The timing was significant as Lanka's alleged rights atrocities was coming under the focus of the UN Human Rights Council's ongoing sessions which kicked off in Geneva yesterday."

“They operate on various fronts, this is [cyber] just one of them,"

Take heed of previous warnings...

Tamils accused of 'conspiring' with diaspora to be prosecuted (07 Oct 2012)

SL faces an economic war by Tamil diaspora - Peiris (11 Aug 2012)

SL Minister - ‘Sinister political agenda’ behind asylum seekers (03 Aug 2012)

Army tell Tamils in Jaffna - 'beware the Tamil diaspora' (14 Apr 2012)

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