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Liberal party celebrates Tamil contributions in Canada at Tamil New Year

The leader of Canada's Liberal party, Justin Trudeau, celebrated the contributions made by Tamil Canadians as Tamils around the world celebrated Tamil new year on April 14.

"This day is an important opportunity for us all to reflect on the valuable contributions Tamil-Canadians have made, and continue to make, to our national fabric," Mr Trudeau said in a statement released on Tuesday, wishing everyone: “Iniya Tamizh Puthaandu Nalvazhthukkal.”

Full statement reproduced below:

“Today, Tamils in Canada and around the world will celebrate Puthandu, the beginning of the new year in the traditional Tamil calendar.

“During this auspicious time, Tamils will visit with family and friends, feast together, exchange gifts, and play games. Many will also mark this special occasion by visiting temples and churches to pray.

“This day is an important opportunity for us all to reflect on the valuable contributions Tamil-Canadians have made, and continue to make, to our national fabric.

“On behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada and our Parliamentary Caucus, my family and I extend our very best wishes to all Tamil-Canadians for a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.

“Iniya Tamizh Puthaandu Nalvazhthukkal.”

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