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Kofi Annan meets Bashar al-Assaad to discuss the broken peace plan

International envoy, Kofi Annan said he agreed with President Assad for a reworked political approach to end the 16 month conflict in Syria.

In his third visit to Syria, the former UN chief, whose on the ground observers have been grounded due to escalating violence, said that he “stressed the importance of moving ahead with political dialogue, which the president accepted.”

"We discussed the need to end the violence and ways and means of doing so. We agreed an approach which I will share with the armed opposition," he told reporters after meeting Mr Assad in Damascus.

President Assad acknowledged Kofi Annan’s plan whilst claiming that other countries wanted the plan to fail by offering arms, money or political support to ‘terrorists’ in Syria.

Un chief Ban Ki-moon called for the mission in Syria to be scaled down and refocus on political efforts to end the conflict, noting the 1.5 million civilians in need of emergency aid.

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