A group of residents from Keppapulavu, Mullaitivu protested in front of the District Secretariat Office on June 28th, demanding to be included in a government welfare program. The program provides financial assistance to people living in poverty, but the protestors argue that they have been excluded because their lands are still being occupied by the military.
The protestors blocked the entrance to the District Secretariat office and chanted slogans demanding that they be given the same benefits as other people living in poverty. The District Secretariat K. Kanageshwaran ushered the protestors to the secretariat auditorium to hear their demands.
The protestors told Mr. Kanageshwaran that they have been unable to cultivate their lands since the military occupation, which has left them in poverty. They asked that the government provide them with financial assistance in order for them to support their immediate needs.
The welfare will be credited to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries from July 1st. According to the program:
Up to 400,000 people living in transitional poverty are to receive 2,500/= per month until December 31st, 2023
Up to 400,000 people vulnerable to poverty are to receive 5,000/= per month until March 31st, 2024
Up to 800,000 people living poverty are to receive 8,500/= per month until March 31st, 2024
People living in extreme poverty will receive 15,000/= per month for three years
People living with disabilities and medical issues related to the kidney will receive 500,000/= per month
Senior citizens are to receive 200,000/= per month
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