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JHU - it was us, not TNA or SLMC, that won it

The Buddhist monks' political party, the JHU, rejected analysts stating the Tamil and Muslim vote was the deciding factor in Maithripala Sirisena's presidential win, claiming instead it was their voter base that was key.

The JHU was part of the newly elected president's coalition of opposition parties along side the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and Sri Lankan Muslim Congress (SLMC).

"Our presence in the alliance for common candidate made the Sinhala voter confident that their aspirations and rights would always be protected under the Presidency of Maithripala Sirisena," said JHU General Secretary, Patali Champika Ranawaka, adding that the JHU had ensured 9 lakhs of new votes for Sirisena from Sinhala Buddhist areas.

The TNA and SLMC only brought 12% of the total votes, said Champika Ranawaka.

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