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Jaffna University protests against controversial education bill

A collection of organisations representing the interests of university education protested against the controversial Kotelawala National Defence University (KNDU) Bill in front of Jaffna University earlier today. 

The organisations included, among others, Universities’ Lecturers Association, Universities’ Trade Union Joint Committee and People’s Movement Against Militarisation of Education. 

"Take back the Kotelawala bill immediately!"

The central demand of the peaceful protest was the repeal of KNDU, a bill which has been widely accused as an attempt to militarise higher education. 

The protestors also spoke out against the intrusion of the government in university spaces and against any attempt to privatise government colleges.

The placard reads "We will break the Kotelawala bill!"

A similar protest took place in Mannar earlier this week in which university chancellors and professors opposed the KNDU and called for an end to the “militarisation of free education.”

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