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Iran looks to re-kindle Preferential Trade Agreement with Sri Lanka

Iran will look to re-visit a Preferential Trade Agreement which was agreed with Sri Lanka in 2005, said Iran’s Energmy Minister Hamid Chitchian during his visit to Sri Lanka.

Speaking in Colombo at the opening of the Joint Commission for Economic Co-operation (JCEC), Mr Chitchian said,

“Iran and its new international atmosphere with respect to resolving Iran’s sanctions is completely ready to boost bilateral commercial relations and would like to increase the level of cooperation with Sir Lanka more than ever.”

The Sri Lankan delegation was led by Minister of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen while the 30 member Iranian delegation, which was led by the Energy Minister, included representatives from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Petroleum, and Iranian fuel companies, reports Adaderana.lk.

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