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International pressure for human rights probe harmful to Sri Lanka - GL Peiris

The Sri Lankan Minister of External Affairs said that international pressure on Sri Lanka to probe human rights violations and foreign funding for 'capacity building' were harmful to the country, reports Colombo Page.

"Because of the intensity of this pressure there is a disincentive to engage in earnest in a domestic process. Because of the conviction that far more is forthcoming by the application of pressure at an international level. And that is why this international pressure is not only not helpful, but is absolutely harmful," said GL Peiris at a Ministry of Defence seminar, on Monday, in Colombo.

“We will therefore be alert to elements who are intend in doing harm to us with foreign funds, some of which are spent for the sake of so called capacity building,” he warned, alleging that foreign powers were targeting Sri Lanka and damaging unity amongst the people.

"Our critics conveniently say that physical development, alone is not adequate. But they always fail to see reconciliatory moves, set in motion in war-affected areas in correct perspectives," Peiris added.

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