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International, not just independent, investigation

The text of a speech delivered on behalf of the British Tamil Forum at the vigil in London on May 18, 2011.

We are gathered here to remember the people who were massacred in the war against the Tamils by the Sri Lankan state, two years ago. More than 40,000 of innocent men women and children were massacred under the watch of the international community. Another 100,000 people remain unaccounted for since the end of the war on 18th May 2009

The UN Panel of experts has reported that there is credible evidence to institute an inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the conduct of the war in Sri Lanka. However, the UN continues with its inaction by calling on the very same murderous Sri Lankan regime to investigate its own murder.

The Tamil people have no faith in the Sri Lankan judiciary or any other Sri Lankan state appointed mechanism to conduct an independent investigation to bring the war criminals to account.

We demand an International Independent Investigation into the crimes committed against our people.

Today the international community which had played a major part in the massacre of the Tamils is witnessing the path the Sinhalese have chosen.

They have now resumed decimation of the Tamil Nation at a much accelerated pace. Tamil peoples land is being systematically colonised with Sinhala settlers. Buddhist Temples at state expense have mushroomed in Tamil villages and towns even though there are no Buddhists. Monuments of conquest have been built at every corner to remind the Tamils that theirs is a conquered land. The Tamil land is occupied by the Sinhala armed forces at a ratio of 1 army personnel to every 8 civilians.

All this is, at a time when the Tamil people are still languishing under the trees and tarpaulins with no where else to find shelter. To this day, the Sri Lankan regime is denying access to international aid agencies as well as the Tamil Diaspora who are ready and willing to help the battered Tamil people.

In the Tamils land, starvation and malnutrition are strife. Murder, rape, abduction, and disappearances are common place in the hands of the omnipresent Sinhala armed forces.

We wish to convey a clear message to the Sri Lankan state and the International community. The Tamils who are the rightful owners of their land will not stay subjugated in their own land.

Decimating the Tamil peoples land by colonising it with Sinhala settlers and amassing Sinhala armed forces in the Tamil areas and terrorising the Tamil people into submission will not bring peace to the Island.

For a sustainable peaceful co- existence in the island to be achieved, the Tamil and Sinhala people need to recognise each others nationhood.

We will continue our struggle until there is true peace in the island. A peace based on mutual respect of each others freedom, independence and nationhood.

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