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International involvement needed to solve issues of the Tamils, says NPC councillor

Only through the efforts of the international community can the political problems of Tamils in the North-East be solved, said the Northern Provincial Councillor (NPC) MK Sivajalingam.

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, the Councillor said that he intended to table a resolution at the NPC calling on the international community and United Nations to set up a process to “solve the ethnic issue in Sri Lanka.”

Mr Sivajalingam added, that he alongside the leader of the Tamil National People’s Front leader Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam and Northern Provincial Councillor Ananthy Sasitharan, had held several meetings with European officials.

“I discussed with 30 representatives the ethnic issues and the issues faced by the Tamil people in Sri Lanka. We also met the representative who would conduct investigations on missing persons and those who surrendered to the government during the final stages of the war,” said Mr Sivajalingam.

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