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India's Army War College learns from Sri Lankan warfare experiences says SL army commander

A delegation from India's Army War College called on the Commander of the Sri Lankan army Lieutenant General Daya Ratnayake this week, said the Sri Lankan military in order to learn from Sri Lanka's warfare experiences.

Ratnayake stated that the visiting delegation praised the Sri Lankan military, with India's Brigadier Sandhu reportedly saying India was “using Sri Lankan experiences in the warfare in their training modules and other programmes”.

The Sri Lankan Commander went on to thank India for the training opportunities that it has provided Sri Lankan troops.

“It is the Indian Army that provides more than 80% of overseas training opportunities to the Sri Lankan Armed Forces, for which we are grateful," said Ratnayake.

"Still, we have a total of about 1000 officers who have not yet received training in India and we firmly believe more openings would be open in the future thanks to the wonderful relations that both our organisations are maintaining at present," he added.

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