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IMF and Sri Lanka 'hammering out a way forward' from debt

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Sri Lanka were "hammering out a way forward" to repay the country's large debt, the Central Bank governor, Arjuna Mahendran, was quoted by Economy Next as saying.

Speaking to reporters, Mr Mahendran said Sri Lanka needed a programme with the IMF to ensure the confidence of investors rather than for the money.

"From my perspective it is important that we have an agreement with the IMF going forward that is respected by private fund managers and economists who want to be sure that the government has a strategy for the economy that wider consensus," he said.

"It was not question of how much money the IMF gave as Sri Lanka has access to financial markets and could borrow," he added.

See more here.

Earlier this month the IMF had urged the Sri Lankan government to get its public finances in order after the country missed its budget target.

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