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ICC seeks 30 year sentence for Lubanga

The International Criminal Court is seeking a 30-year jail term, for former Congolese war lord Thomas Lubanga, who was found guilty of recruiting and using child soldiers by the ICC in March this year.

Chief Prosecutor of the ICC, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, said he demanded a "severe sentence".

"The prosecution will request a sentence in the name of each child recruited, in the name of the Ituri region,"

"These children were told to kill and rape. That was the education he [Lubanga] gave these children," Mr Moreno-Ocampo told the court on Wednesday.

Lubanga was the head of the Union of Congolese Patriots and the court held that as such he bore responsibility for the recruitment of child soldiers.

Over 60,000 people are thought to have died during fighting between the Hema and Lendu ethnic groups in DR Congo.

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