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ICC demands release of staff in Libya

The International Criminal Court, demanded the released of four members of staff, that it alleges were detained whilst on an official trip in Libya.

The four were said to have been meeting the imprisoned Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, and include at least one of the two lawyers appointed to represent Saif al-Islam at The Hague.

The ICC president, Sang-Hyun Song, said,

“We are very concerned about the safety of our staff in the absence of any contact with them,”

“These four international civil servants have immunity when on an official ICC mission.”

The lawyer representing Libyan interests at The Hague, Ahmed al-Jehani, said that one of those detained was Melinda Taylor, who he alleges shared sensitive information with her client (Saif al-Islam). According to al-Jehani this information could endanger the lives of the Libyans living abroad. He asserted that she would be released shortly.

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