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Hunger striker continues to call for CHOGM boycott

Tamil protestor Parameswaran, who has been hunger striking outside Number 10 Downing Street, has continued to call on British Prime Minister David Cameron to boycott the upcoming CHOGM, due to be held in Colombo later this month.

Speaking to the Tamil Guardian Parameswaran said,

"The main aim is to stop Cameron from participating in the CHOGM and call for him to boycott it."

Commenting on British Prime Minister David Cameron's decision to remain steadfast in attending CHOGM, Parameswaran said,

"Even after meeting with Tamil representatives, he has refused to listen to British Tamil voices."

Parameswaran, who has been hunger striking since Monday 17:30 GMT, also announced that his fast would end on Saturday, stating,

"On the 11th of November, Britain will be preparing to remember their war heroes at Downing Street. For that reason, we have been asked to clear the area. Out of respect for that, and for security reasons, we have decided to end our fast on the 9th of November."

"We are arranging for protest on that day from 3-6pm at Downing Street."

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