<p>Human Rights Watch (HRW) has called on the UN Human Rights Council to renew pressure on South Sudan.</p>
<p>This follows the Human Rights most recent report on the situation in South Sudan which details continuing human rights abuses such as the forceful recruitment of children for combat as well as gender-based violence, abductions and deliberate starvation of civilian populations. </p>
<p>Despite promises of the Unity government, there continues to be no accountability for previous human rights abuses. The government has also made little progress to have a hybrid court with the African Union operating, despite promising this at the end of the armed conflict.</p>
<p>HRW ends their statement insisting </p>
“Renewing the [UN] mandate of the commission is the best opportunity at present for laying the foundations for justice in the future”.
<p>Read Human Rights Watch statement <a href="https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/03/05/renew-commission-human-rights-south…">here.</a></p>
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