<p>Hamas has called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate Israel for committing a war crime in an airstrike that killed eight people. </p>
<p>On Wednesday, a family of eight were killed in an Israeli airstrike which were aimed at ‘terror targets’. Israel has denied knowledge of any civilian presence. </p>
<p>Ghazi Hamad, Hamas spokesperson said, “ the Israeli occupation forces attacked they house with previous knowledge that civilians are living there, even Israel did not alert them before attacking, so they could leave the house, in which caused the killing of innocent children and women.”</p>
<p>The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) said that they were going to investigate the attack as they are not able to confirm that their target, Islamic Jihad commander, was inside the house. </p>
<p>The family of eight are among 34 Palestinians killed by Israeli air raids over the Gaza Strip during the cross border fighting between Israel and the Islamic Jihad.</p>
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