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Hackers breach Myanmar news site to demand apology for discrediting the BBS

A popular news website in Myanmar was breached by hackers who demanded an apology for the paper’s labelling of Sri Lanka’s Buddhist organisation, Bodhu Bala Sena (BBS) as “radical,” reports Agence France Presse.

The hacker attack came after the news website covered a meeting between Buddhist organisations Wiruthu and the BBS, which hail from Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Evidence suggests that the hacking attempts of the site could be traced to be coming from Sri Lanka.

The attack came days after staff at the newspapers office in Rangoon received a telephone threat of a fire bomb attack in response to the same article.

The Irrawaddy news site, which once operated during the junta rule as an exile media group in Thailand, was allowed to move its office back to Myanmar after democratic reform in the region.

The BBS was accused of igniting anti-Muslim riots in Sri Lanka this year, that left 4 people dead.

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