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Govt coalition party slams UN Human Rights chief's criticism

A Sri Lankan government coalition partner slammed criticism of the country by the UN Human Rights Commissioner, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein on Tuesday, accusing Zeid of distorting the truth.

Speaking at a press briefing, the spokesperson for the National Freedom Front (NFF) said Zeid's condemnation last Friday of Sri Lanka over its refusal to cooperate with the UN inquiry into mass atrocities against the Tamil people, were 'distortions of the truth', reports Colombo Page.

The spokesperson, Mohammed Muzammil, accused the UN Human Rights Council of drawing a conclusion ahead of the publishing of the OHCHR Investigation into Sri Lanka (OISL) report, which is due in March 2015.

"It was the Parliament which has decided not to allow international investigations against Sri Lanka on behalf of the people," Muzammil reportedly told journalists.

He added that it was "regrettable that the new commissioner is following the footsteps of his predecessor, Navi Pillay, and has already predetermined that Sri Lanka is guilty" and said, "the High Commissioner's office was intruding into the sovereignty of Sri Lanka and the probe is violating the international laws and regulations."

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