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Govt-appointed committee on constitutional reform rejects federalism

The Sri Lankan government's Public Representations Commission on Constitutional Reforms (PRCCR) has rejected a proposal for a federal constitution made by the Tamil Peoples' Council, according to Ceylonews.

Head of the (PRCCR) Attorney Lal Wijenayake has told representatives of the TPC that their proposal to abolish the unitary nature of the state was unacceptable.

"We exchanged views after handing over the proposals. When we mentioned that our proposals included demands a federal-based solution and right to self-determination for the Tamil people, Mr. Wijenayake told us that there won’t any change in the character of the state, which is unitary,” Lawyer Nadaraja Kandeepan of the TPC told Ceylon News.

“He said that they are prepared under the unitary concept to accept a power devolution to the periphery, but it will be on the basis of a minority group rights…The Tamil has a long way to go with these kinds of politicians,” he said, adding that the Tamils have to place the international interference in the forefront of their struggle for just political and equal rights.

See the proposal here.

Also see:

Tamil Nationalism and the Coming Constitution - Groundviews (26 Apr 2016)

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