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Government shuts down universities

The Sri Lankan government has shut down most universities on the island, after an ongoing row over government interference saw widespread strikes by teachers.

The Minister for Higher Education S.B. Dissanayake announced the decision after consultation with university officials not involved in the trade union action and accused the FUTA (Federation of University Teachers Association) of trying to provoke a political crisis in order to get regime change.

He said the government had already met five of FUTA’s six demands, but their spokesman denied this.

Mahim Mendis told the BBC that the "politicisation and militarisation" of universities must end and said that ministers were appointing their own loyalists to top university posts.

"To suggest we want regime change is frivolous. You need to understand, Futa [the union] includes academics from all political parties,"

Universities closed until further notice – Government News Portal of Sri Lanka (22 Aug 12)

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