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Government to investigate NPC activities - reports

The Sinhala weekly Divaina reported on Sunday that the government has decided to conduct a special investigation into recent activities of the Northern Provincial Council.

The paper reportedly said that the government is seriously concerned about the recent resolutions passed by the council, violating the constitution and undermining Sri Lanka’s national security and foreign policy. A meeting between NPC Education Minister Thambirasa Kurukularasa with the US Pacific Command has also come under scrutiny.

It has also come to the government’s attention that NPC councillors are said to have instructed schools not to hoist the Sri Lankan flag or sing the national anthem. Intelligence services meanwhile have reported to the government that a school in the province follows “greeting customs” from the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam during sports events, Divaina further alleged.

The government is said to have requested a report by the military governor of the province, Maj Gen Chandrasiri, on these activities.

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