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Gotabhaya welcomes Cameron visit to Jaffna

Defence Secretary and war crimes accused Gotabhaya Rajapkasa has said he welcomes international visits to the north of the island, as this could help the government “counter the lies” that are spread by the “LTTE rump”.

"Since the conclusion of the conflict in May 2009, many international figures had visited the Jaffna peninsula and the Vanni. United Nations Human Rights Commissioner, Navi Pillay recently flew to Jaffna, stayed there overnight and then drove along the A9 to Iranamdu airfield for a special flight to China bay.

“We believe such international visits could help us counter lies propagated by the LTTE rump and a section of the media. Western leaders can see the actual ground situation for themselves in the Northern Province."

He pointed out that the UK had deported over 1,000 people to Sri Lanka since the end of the armed conflict, and asked the British delegation and media to look at the real reasons why people were seeking political asylum abroad.

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