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Gotabhaya slams 'interfering' diplomats

The Defence Secretary of Sri Lanka, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has accused the US Ambassador in the country, Michelle Sison, of interfering in domestic affairs and overstepping her mandate, after it emerged that the ambassador had met NPC Councillor Ananthi Sasitharan, along with Chief Minister Wigneswaran and TNA MP Sumanthiran.

Rajapaksa said that foreigners would only make matters worse, so any solution to the problem would have to be found domestically.

“Forming their opinions on the basis of one-sided discussions with the rump of the LTTE and other radicalised sections of the Tamil Diaspora, they ignore the significant progress we have made in the last few years. Using lofty terms such as Good Governance, Accountability, and Impunity, and through various dubious indices that supposedly monitor compliance to these concepts, they seek to apply value judgments on Sri Lanka,” he added.

Ananthi Sasitharan may be rehabilitated to prevent separatist tendencies (14 Jan 2014)

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