Photo of protesters in Berlin
Marking the 15th anniversary of the Sencholai massacre, in which Sri Lanka’s airforce massacred 53 school girls by bombing the Sencholai orphanage, German Tamils continued their demands for justice. Protests were held in Berlin and in Dortmund.
The demonstrations were organised by the Tamil Youth Organisation (TYO) Germany and the People's Council of Eelam Tamils, also known as Volksrat der Eelam Tamilen in Deutschland (VETD).
On August 14 2006, four Sri Lankan air force jets flew over the Vanni and dropped sixteen bombs over the Sencholai children's home for orphans, killing 53 school girls and 3 teachers.
The children's home had been designated a humanitarian zone and its GPS coordinates had been passed to the Sri Lankan military via the UN children’s agency, UNICEF, and the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC).
Similar protests were held across the Tamil homeland and the UK.
Read more here: British Tamils demand justice for Sencholai massacre
Despite the passage of fifteen years, no official has been held accountable for this massacre. Similar protests were held in Germany and across the Tamil homeland.
Read more about the massacre here: Remembering the Sencholai massacre 15 years on
Photo of vigil in Dortmund