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Full backing of EU secured for UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka - Cameron

14:59 GMT

The British Prime Minister David Cameron said today that he had "secured the full backing of all the EU" in favour of an UNHRC resolution calling for accountability in Sri Lanka, due to be voted on next week.

Speaking at a press conference following the European Council earlier today, Prime Minister Cameron said that he had also raised the situation in Sri Lanka at the Council and stressed the need for an "international, independent investigation".

"As you know, this is an issue that I care deeply about," said Mr. Cameron, adding,

"I want to see reconciliation in the country and that means properly addressing the issues of the past."

"President Rajapaksa has failed to do this and so we now need an international, independent investigation into alleged war crimes."

Referring to the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council currently underway in Geneva, Mr. Cameron said,

"The UN Human Rights Commissioner has called for this and that is what a UK co-sponsored resolution at the UN Human Rights Council supports."

"Countries will vote on that resolution next week and today I secured the full backing of all the EU for it."

A source at Downing Street told the Tamil Guardian Mr. Cameron had "personally raised the issue at the summit and secured a strong statement from EU leaders on the United Nations HRC resolution."

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