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Farc leader killed in Colombia

Colombia’s defence ministry has announced it has killed the leader of Farc, Alfonso Cano.

Cano was killed when security forces surrounded his hideout, after aerial strikes hit his camp in the remote region of Cauca in southwest Colombia.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has hailed the Cano’s death as "the most resounding blow to this organisation in its entire history"

The death is seen as a severe blow to Farc who have been suffering continous setbacks since a military campaign backed by the US started in 2002.

After the death of one of its founders and then leader Manuel Marulanda Vélez in 2008, Farc regrouped and stepped up attacks recently, with over 20 Colombian soldiers killed in attacks in October.

However, Cano was seeking peace talks with the government, a move that was backed by the Farc leadership, but his death is likely put an end to those efforts.

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