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Families of disappeared continue protests across North-East

Families of the disappeared this week continued their protests across the North-East, demanding justice for their disappeared loved ones. 



In Mullaitivu, families marked their 846th day of continuous protest, demanding to know what happened to their disappeared loved ones. 




Families of the disappeared from Vavuniya held a protest outside the the Ilankai Thamil Arasu Katchi national conference hall in Jaffna today, accusing Tamil politicians of failing to take sufficient action on the issue. 

Families said despite voting for the TNA in 2015, the party had failed to deliver, instead repeatedly pushing the families towards the Office on Missing Persons (OMP). 



Families of the disappeared in Trincomalee held protest on Thursday, reiterating their demand for justice. 




In Kilinochchi, families of the disappeared marked their 859th day of protest today. 

Families criticised local Tamil politicians for failing to provide them with justice for their disappeared loved ones. 



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