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Draft resolution is disappointing, Cameron's pledge has not been realised - GTF

The draft resolution tabled at the UNHRC on Monday is "disappointing", said the Global Tamil Forum (GTF).

In an interview to BBC Tamil, the spokesperson of the GTF Suren Surendiran said,

"It's certainly not satisfactory. It's disappointing. Importantly, when the British Prime Minister went to Sri Lanka last year for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meet, he very clearly stated, if the Sri Lankan government does not conduct a credible investigation, then the coming March - ie. this month, March 2014 - he, the UK, and other countries would call for an independent, international investigation. Till now, that clear statement has certainly not been realised. Therefore, this is definitely a disheartening act. It has disappointed us."

Stating that the GTF would be lobbying hard for a stronger resolution over the next few weeks using its influence within policy networks internationally Mr. Surendiran encouraged all Tamils to do the same.

Asked about India's stance on the resolution, he said he had no doubt that India would support it, but requested that instead of announcing its position at the very end, to state it very clearly now.

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