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Draft resolution is a 'diplomatic fudge' - Callum Macrae

The draft UNHRC resolution was a "bit of diplomatic fudge" said the director of 'No Fire Zone: Sri Lanka's Killing Fields', Callum Macrae in an interview with Channel 4 news.

Speaking on the news programme following the emergence of more video evidence of Sri Lankan soldiers committing sexual violence against Tamil female fighters, Mr. Macrae said,

"An earlier draft [of the resolution] has leaked, which is a little bit of a diplomatic fudge really. It doesn't call for the setting up of an independent mechanism or commission as many people hoped."

Outlining the various reactions to the draft resolution, he added,

"I think the Sri Lankan government will regard this as a grotesque  infringement of their sovereignty and the kind of interference that is not justified."

"I think supporters of the resolution like India, America and Britain - India is not certain, but certainly America and Britain - will regard this as slow but significant progress, on the way to some kind of judicial inquiry."

"I think that Tamil groups and human rights organisations will regard it as a bit of a fudge, and really an opportunity for the Sri Lankan government to string the international community along for another year."

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