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Deaths during DRC protests over Kabila term

Violent clashes in the Democratic Republic of Congo have left at least four people dead, after protests erupted over the future of President Joseph Kabila.

The demonstrations started over Mr Kabila's presidential tenure, which is coming to an end next year. He is blocked from running for a third term by the country' constitution. Protestors say the government is attempting to delay the elections by holding a census.

Protestors demanded that Mr Kabila steps down with the end of his term next year. The government admits the census could delay the elections but claims it is vital to ensure fair and free elections.

Clashes in Kinshasa left at least two policemen and two "looters" dead, according to the government, but human rights activist say as many as 10 people may have died.

Many shops owned by ethnic South Asians were also looted by hundreds of young men.

Congolese protesters dispersed with tear gas (12 January 2015)

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