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Day 4 – Eelam Tamils continue demands to end military occupation

As Eelam Tamils across the North-East continue their protest to end the Sri Lankan military’s occupation of the Tamil homeland, they are met with intimidation, surveillance and violence.

As peaceful protesters made their way towards Batticaloa from Verugal, stones were pelted at a bus carrying the Tamil Families of the Disappeared near an army camp in Amparai. Protesters were also photographed by plain-clothed military officers as they continued their journey.

Protestors, who have been demanding an end to the occupation of the Tamil homeland, have been under surveillance since Saturday when the rally left Jaffna. The first day of the rally coincided with Sri Lanka's 75th Independence Day, which has been regarded as a 'black day' for Tamils as the state continues to deny them of basic rights. 

Despite the intimidation, demonstrators stopped at Vakarai Thuyilum Illam to pay their respects to those who have sacrificed their lives in the Tamil struggle for liberation.

Tamil Families of the Disappeared marched alongside demonstrators calling for an independent international inquiry into the fate of their loved ones.

Read more here.

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