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CTC calls for 'financial and diplomatic sanctions' against Sri Lanka

The Canadian Tamil Congress has called for financial and diplomatic sanctions against Sri Lanka, as it urged the international community to take decisive action at the United Nations Human Rights Council in March.

In a statement released yesterday, as the Sri Lankan President lashed out at the prospect of an investigation into human rights violations, the CTC stated,

"As Sri Lanka celebrates its 66th year of independence, Tamils in Sri Lanka and worldwide look forward to the support of the international community to bring about peace, justice and equality to the Tamils on the island. Tamils worldwide remain hopeful that a meaningful resolution will be passed in the upcoming March 2014 United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva – one with a mandate to establish an international independent investigation into allegations of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed during the final stages of the war."

The statement went on to say,

"While the Canadian Tamil Congress thanks the government of Canada for its strong stand at CHOGM in November 2014, we urge our government to take decisive action involving financial and diplomatic sanctions against Sri Lanka."

David Poopalapillai, National Spokesperson for the Canadian Tamil Congress, went on to add,

“This highlights the need for an investigation and for perpetrators to be punished, so that 66 years of discriminatory practice may be corrected through a peaceful political settlement."

“We call upon the international community to take decisive action in Geneva next month and remain hopeful that a Commission of Inquiry will be established”, he concluded.

See the full statement here.

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