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'Concrete action' needed at London Summit - HRW

Human Rights Watch has called on governments worldwide to make strong commitments to end impunity for those who carry out sexual violence, ahead of the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict tomorrow.

The summit tomorrow is expected to be the largest gathering of its kind to discuss prevention and response to sexual violence, with  Liesl Gerntholtz, women’s rights director at Human Rights Watch, adding,

“The terrible human cost for civilians caught in conflict is even greater for women and girls, who often face sexual violence from all sides and have nowhere to turn for protection... The London summit will only be a success if the pledges countries make to end the scourge of rape in war are translated into concrete action.”

Noting that they have documented cases of sexual violence  in countries, including Sri Lanka, HRW went on to say,

“Countries with armed conflicts should make clear they will arrest and prosecute those responsible for sexual violence, including officers in their own troops with command responsibility for the attackers.”

Gerntholtz concluded,

“Progress has been made in addressing sexual violence in war, but as women in Congo, Somalia, and elsewhere know only too well, it’s not enough”

“Governments need to promote full equality for women and girls, step up their efforts to prevent sexual abuse in conflict situations, and address the health, protection, and justice needs of survivors.”

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