Tamils joined a larger protest against climate change in London yesterday, as they called for climate justice and an end to crimes against humanity committed by Sri Lanka’s president Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
The protest, which took place on Saturday 6 November, saw Tamils join tens of thousands of others in demanding climate action whilst the global COP26 summit is underway in Glasgow.
The protest started in front of the Bank of England and marched towards Trafalgar Square, as they carried placards that read “Climate Criminal – Sri Lankan president Gotabaya Rajapaksa”, “Gotabaya – Guilty against humanity and environment” and “Sri Lankan president killing the people and the planet”.
The other groups that marched alongside Tamil Solidarity in the protest include London Young Socialists and Stand Up To Racism.
The Sri Lankan president was one of several heads of state to speak at the summit in Glasgow, where Tamils demonstrated against Rajapaksa, drawing attention to his ecological destruction of the Tamil homeland.
He also stands accused of overseeing crimes against humanity and genocide, having killed tens of thousands of Tamils in a military offensive in 2009.
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