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CID records statement from hospitalised former Sri Lankan Health Minister

Officials from Sri Lanka's Criminal Investigation Department (CID) recorded a statement from former Health Minister Rajitha Seneratne who was hospitalised earlier today, the Colombo Page reported.

Seneratne was reported to have disappeared from his residence when CID officials went to arrest him in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

The Colombo Magistrate's Court granted a warrant for his arrest following a controversial press conference in which the former Minister spoke alongside men who alleged to be involved in the ‘white van’ abductions. 

In this conference, Minister was present with an individual who claimed to drive the white vans and another individual who alleged to have been a victim of an attempted abduction. During the conference, which was held on 10 November, the former minister stated that under their government they would launch an investigation into murders and abductions that occurred under the Rajapaksa regime. 

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