<p>China’s Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Cheng Xueyuan, warned Sri Lanka to be wary of external interference stating that China would not engage in internal affairs and that such behaviour only brings trouble, chaos and disasters.</p>
<p>He further stated:</p>
“Countries like China and Sri Lanka, who shared a common history of being bullied and colonized by powers should always remain vigilant in terms of external interference. Such interference can never bring benefits, but only trouble, chaos and disasters. We should always insist on independence, fight against external interference and make their own decisions. Only in this way can we march toward the right direction and embrace a brighter future”
<p>Speaking on China’s internal affairs, Ambassador Xueyuan protested against the pro-democratic movement in Hong Kong. </p>
<p>He stated that on 1 July, the 22nd anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to mainland China, rioters hiding behind the guise of democracy, broke into the Legislative Council building of Hong Kong, and vandalized various facilities.</p>
“What enraged China and shocked the world further is British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s remarks on the second day. Mr. Hunt said that the UK stands behind people in Hong Kong in defence of the freedoms that Britain negotiated for them, and the Hong Kong authorities must not use demonstrators’ vandalism as a pretext for repression. I would stress that China has resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong and the Chinese government started administering Hong Kong since 1997. The 150 years’ humiliating history of Hong Kong being a colony to UK since 1840s has gone. It seems that someone is still immersed in the faded glory of colonialism. Mr. Hunt is obsessed with condescendingly criticizing other countries and keeps lying without remorse,”
<p>Xueyuan maintained that the UK has no claim of sovereignty over Hong Kong after the handover and that these statements are nothing more than self-entertainment.</p>
<p>Read more <a href="https://colombogazette.com/2019/07/15/china-urges-sri-lanka-to-be-vigil…">here</a>.</p>
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