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China brokers ceasefire between rebel alliance and Myanmar military


China has brokered a "formal ceasefire" between a rebel guerrilla alliance and Myanmar's military.

Myanmar's military took power in a coup in February 2021. The military regime, the State Administration Council, has been under pressure due to attacks from the "Three Brotherhood Alliance".

The "Three Brotherhood Alliance" consisting of ethnic rebel groups has claimed they have taken over dozens of towns, including border crossings crucial for trade with China. 

According to Beijing's foreign ministry, representatives from the Myanmar military and the rebel alliance have agreed to "an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of military personnel."

The Chinese foreign ministry stated that the military and the rebel alliance have "committed to not harming the safety of Chinese border residents and personnel involved in projects in Myanmar."

Beijing has claimed that the civil conflict in Myanmar is spilling over into Chinese territory with the foreign ministry reporting that a shell landed on the Chinese side of the border on 4 January. 

Read more on the Financial Times 

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