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Buddhist monks tell Ranil not to remove shrines from North-East

Photograph: The Island

Senior Buddhist monks met with Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on Saturday, to urge him not to remove Buddhist shrines from the Tamil North-East and ensure that Buddhism continues to receive the foremost place in the island’s constitution.

Mahanayake Theras of Malwatte and Asgiriya met with Mr Wickremesinghe in Kandy and complained that “archaeological sites” in the North-East “had been encroached upon by unscrupulous elements,” according to The Island.

The Mahanayake Thera of Malwatte went on to state that the chief monks reiterated “the need to retain the unitary status of the country in the new constitution” adding that “Buddhism should be given the foremost place and the government should fulfil the responsibility to foster Buddha Sasasana”.

See more from The Island here and ColomboPage here.


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