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BTF urges India to co-sponsor upcoming UNHRC resolution

UK based Tamil organisation, British Tamils Forum (BTF) called  the Indian government to "proactively advocate the following proposal and Co-Sponsor The U.S based resolution in the forthcoming 22nd session of United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva," in a statement published on Tuesday.

See here for statement. Reproduced in full below:

We urge India to proactively advocate the following proposal and Co-Sponsor The U.S based resolution in the forthcoming 22nd session of United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Realizing that accountability is paramount for sustainable peace and reconciliations in the Island

Noting the weakness of internal mechanisms and the lack of separation of power in the Sri Lankan constitution

Strongly urges the UN to the creation of an International Commission of Investigation into the allegations of War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity and the crime of genocide against the Tamil people

Calling on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to compile a list of individuals who were responsible for the violation of International Humanitarian Law, including extra-judicial killings, sexual violence and enforced disappearances, committed during the war.

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