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British Tamils demand boycott of CHOGM

Over 2000 British Tamils gathered today to march through the streets of London today demanding that British Prime Minister boycott the upcoming Common Wealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), which is set to take place in Sri Lanka later this month.

Starting the rally at Embankment station, the protestors marched along the river towards the Houses of Parliament. Ending their rally at Whitehall in front of Number 10 Downing Street, demonstrators shouted slogans urging Prime Minister David Cameron to reconsider his involvement at CHOGM.

Demonstrators wielded placards questioning Cameron’s duplicity with Sri Lanka and the integrity of the Commonwealth Secretary General, Kamalesh Sharma, when talking about rights issues in Sri Lanka.


Upon reaching Downing Street, members of the British Tamil Forum, on behalf of the demonstrators, delivered a petition to number 10, urging David Cameron  to send the strongest possible message by boycotting CHOGM, whilst outlining the need to suspend Sri Lanka and ensure that those responsible for the genocide of the Tamil people were held to account.

See twitter for live coverage from earlier in the day.

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